Hoa Cam Industrial Zone Invesment Joint Stock Company

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Infrastructure and Utilities

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The infrastructures is invested to serve up the projects such as, electric cable system, supply water, traffic, intercommunication... at Hoa Cam IZ taken is to availability building investment serve for investment projecting.

Road System

giaothongProvincial road No. 832 with the approximate width of 46,5 meters including 01 main road in the center (15 meters in width), and 02 double lines with the width of 7,5 meters, having the barrier with the width 8,5 meters and pavement with the width of 7 meters

Landscape Architecture System

canhquanGreen landscape in IZ is arranged in lines along the sidewalk and the isolated areas to create shade and general landscape of IZ and to reduce pollution and protect people’ health. In addition, internal factories of enterprises are designed planning area of tree planting and separated landscape architectures as rules.

Electrical System

dienThe electrical system belongs to the national electrical grid, supplied by an electrical medium-voltage resource (voltage of 22KV) connecting from 110KV power station at Cau Do (double electrical circuit). This source will supply electricity to each factory in Hoa Cam IZI through an electrical cable system.

Water Supply System

capnuocThe industrial zone shall exploit and use private owner water from drilled wells which will provide with purified water around 5,000m3/day. This water supplying source will be managed constantly and delivered to each factory with the highest water quality for industrial and daily activities using. 

Wastewater Treatment System

nuocthaiWaste water from factories is collected through the underground piping network and treated in the Sewage Treatment Plant with its capacity 4,000m3/day in conformity to The Vietnam Environmental Standard. The wastewater shall be treated according to The Vietnam Environmental Standard No. 5945-2005.

Telecommunications System

vienthongvetinhEstablishing the modern and international standard network of Postal & Telecommunication Service; such as to equip and install MDF, telephone system and ADSL provided by a Telecommunication Service and meet all demands of investors.



tindungnganhangThe transaction of some large banks will be opened immediately in central building of Hoacam IZ to make advantageous conditions for enterprises in trading and ready support diversity in products, financial services with  high quality package, the best facilities to properly and timely meet the needs of the enterprises


Overview of Danang City



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